Payment Policy

What is Coinbase Commerce for customers?

Coinbase Commerce is a platform that helps merchants anywhere in the world accept cryptocurrency payments in a fully decentralized way.

How it works:

When you want to pay a merchant, we'll display instructions on how to send funds directly to this merchant, and monitor the blockchain for your transaction.

After a valid payment is detected, we'll notify the merchant so they can take any necessary actions on their end.

All payments facilitated by Coinbase Commerce are fully decentralized and peer-to-peer. This means that the cryptocurrency goes directly from your crypto wallet to a wallet that is only accessible by the merchant. Only the merchant has access to these funds.

How do I go about getting a refund? 

If you would like a refund, please contact the merchant directly.

All transactions made with cryptocurrency are direct peer-to-peer payments from the customer to the merchant. This means that once a payment is sent, there is no way for Coinbase to reverse the transaction or reclaim funds on your behalf. As a result, we're unable to resolve any payment disputes as transactions on the blockchain are irreversible.

I haven’t received the item I purchased

Please reach out to the merchant directly for an update on your order status.

How can I track my order or get a receipt?

To help with tracking payments and status updates, Coinbase generates an 8-character alphanumeric order code for each charge. There are two locations where this code can be found:

On—you can view this while making a payment.

On the receipt after a payment has been successfully processed.

To view your receipt, please visit, where :CODE is replaced with your 8 character order code.

What happens if I pay with a different currency than the one I select during checkout?

If you send cryptocurrency to an address associated with another cryptocurrency during checkout (BSV sent to a BCH address, SAI sent to a DAI address, etc.), our system won't detect the payment and the merchant won't be able to access those funds.


Why does my receipt say that I overpaid or underpaid an order? 

An overpayment or underpayment indicates that we have detected an amount greater or lesser than what we expected—the most common reason for this is your crypto wallet used a significantly different exchange rate than Coinbase Commerce.

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue—the merchant may ask you to top up the missing amount in the case of an underpayment, refund you the excess amount in the case of an overpayment, or refund you completely and ask you to complete the checkout again. We recommend you include your receipt code to help the merchant track down your charge.

Why does my receipt say that I have made multiple payments? 

Coinbase Commerce expects to see a single blockchain transaction for each order. 

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue—if the total payment amount is correct, the merchant is able to manually resolve this from their dashboard. We recommend you include your receipt code to help the merchant track down your charge.

Why does my receipt say that I have made a delayed payment?

Coinbase Commerce monitors payments to the blockchain address for 60 minutes. If we detect a payment outside of this window, it is marked as delayed.

Why is my invoice voided?

If you tried to make a payment and received a voided invoice message, then the merchant cancelled the payment request. If you still need to make a payment, the merchant will need to create a new invoice. 

Please reach out directly to the merchant to resolve this issue. 

I made a payment and then my invoice was voided

In the rare event that you make a payment at the same time a merchant voids your invoice, your payment will still successfully reach the destination address and be marked as delayed. In this scenario, the merchant is able to mark your payment as resolved and complete the transaction or issue a refund of your payment. 

Please contact the merchant directly to resolve this issue. The merchant is responsible for ensuring funds are returned to the correct destination address.

All transactions made with cryptocurrency are direct peer-to-peer payments from the customer to the merchant. This means that once a payment is sent, there is no way for Coinbase to reverse the transaction or reclaim funds on your behalf. As a result, we're unable to resolve any payment disputes as transactions on the blockchain are irreversible.

Why did I receive a “no payment detected” message?

Coinbase Commerce monitors payments to the blockchain address for 60 minutes. You will receive this warning when the payment window has closed. A payment made outside of this window will be marked as delayed. If you haven’t yet made a payment, you can select retry to refresh the exchange rates and make the payment.

If you did make a payment and received this message, please contact the merchant directly to resolve this issue.